Young Frederic
Grainger: Lincolnshire Posy - 4. The brisk young Sailor (returned to wed his True Love) Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick Fennell 01:34
Ноктюрн до-диез минор, исп. Ли Ми-Янг (F. Chopin. Nocturne Cis-moll, Lee Mi-Young) Фредерик Шопен 03:31
Grainger: Lincolnshire Posy - 4. The brisk young Sailor (returned to wed his True Love) Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick Fennell 01:35
Musica de camera, Op. 3 (Excerpts): No. 7, When Young at the Bar Frederick Nussen (1749 —1779) 02:46
Lincolnshire Posy - The Brisk Young Sailor (Returned to Wed His True Love) Frederick Fennell, Percy Grainger 01:34