The Choir of St Catharine's College Cambridge
Propos exquis (Psalm 45): VII. Ne plain donc point Edward Wickham, The Choir of St Catharine's College, Cambridge 02:56
Propos exquis (Psalm 45): III. Tes dards luisans Edward Wickham, The Choir of St Catharine's College, Cambridge 03:26
Propos exquis (Psalm 45): V. Escoute fille en beauté Edward Wickham, The Choir of St Catharine's College, Cambridge 02:12
Propos exquis (Psalm 45): VI. Peuples de Tyr Edward Wickham, The Choir of St Catharine's College, Cambridge 03:36
Propos exquis (Psalm 45): II. O le plus fort Edward Wickham, The Choir of St Catharine's College, Cambridge 02:47
Mon Dieu me paist (Psalm 23): II. Si seurement, que quand au val viendroye Edward Wickham, The Choir of St Catharine's College, Cambridge 02:58