Esin Yardimli Alves Pereira & 13th Century Anonymous
22. Stanpipes (средневековая музыка, middle ages music, medieval music) Anonymous, English, 13th century 02:13
Anonymous: Fines amouretes (13th century) Lance-Sargeant Pirrie, Purcell Consort, Grayston Burgess 01:40
Anonymous: Lux hodie: Orientis partibus (13th century) Ian Partridge, Geoffrey Shaw, Purcell Consort, Grayston Burgess 02:47
17. Novus Miles Sequitur (средневековая музыка, middle ages music, medieval music) Anonymous, 13th century 03:16
An English Ladymass: 13th- and 14th-century chant and polyphony in honor of the Virgin Mary (Marsha Genensky, Susan Hellauer, Johanna Marie Rose, Jacqueline Horner), 1992 Anonymous 4 58:54
Volez Vous Que Je Vous Chant (In The Shade Of An Olive Tree) Esin Yardimli Alves Pereira & 13th Century Anonymous 02:46