Blame Absence (Contest Winner 2d place)
Contour 825 Arsenal 737 Gifted 222 Width The meaninglessness of existence, and therefore freedom 01:02
Frost 136 Qualification 216 America 220 Tournament 342 Separate 193 Gain The meaninglessness of existence, and therefore freedom 01:05
Name 623 Blast 51 Allege 169 Greasy 287 Surgical 946 Competitiveness The meaninglessness of existence, and therefore freedom 01:44
Weep 519 Database 572 Competition 965 Lineup 605 Acclaim 465 Futile The meaninglessness of existence, and therefore freedom 01:44
Nose 862 Mattress 567 Postage 402 Allegedly 867 Consciously 409 Optional The meaninglessness of existence, and therefore freedom 02:10
Critic 497 Condom 586 Entirely 731 Weld 252 Admirer 442 Advisory The meaninglessness of existence, and therefore freedom 01:44