Католический антифон
The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom: The First Antiphon The Russian Patriarchate Choir, Anataloly Grindenko 02:13
The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom: Kondakion The Russian Patriarchate Choir, Anataloly Grindenko 02:38
A. Chesnokov, Liturgy, Ор. 8, No 3: The Second Antiphon St. Petersburg Chamber Choir, Nikolai Korniev 02:10
The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom: The Second Antiphon The Russian Patriarchate Choir, Anataloly Grindenko 02:27
Liturgy for the Catechumens: No. 7, Third Antiphon. The Beatitudes The Russian Patriarchate Choir, Anatoly Grindenko 02:29
Liturgy for the Catechumens: No. 14, Kondakion to the Mother of God, Mode 6 The Russian Patriarchate Choir, Anatoly Grindenko 00:40
Liturgy for the Catechumens: No. 2, First Antiphon (Psalm 102) The Russian Patriarchate Choir, Anatoly Grindenko 02:54
Liturgy for the Catechumens: No. 18, Proclamation of the Gospel The Russian Patriarchate Choir, Anatoly Grindenko 01:42
Liturgy of the Faithful: No. 5, Anaphore, or Canon of the Eucharist The Russian Patriarchate Choir, Anatoly Grindenko 07:19
Antifona VI: Spiritus Sanctus Coro Madrigale Slovenico, Coro Rtsi Theatrum Instrumentorum, Nigel Rogers 00:23