Hai-Ting Chinn, Suzanne Schwing, Virginia Warnken, Colin Carr, Nicholas Canellakis, Sophie Shao, Lenore Davis, 2 страница
Saint-Saëns: The Carnival of the Animals: Pianists Wing-sie Yip, Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Amy Sze, Helen Cha 01:27
Living With the Sun Música para Massagem Especialistas, Spa, Deep Relaxation Meditation Academy 03:23
Sonata in B minor, Z802 : Largo - Vivace - Grave The King's Consort, Cecilia Bernardini, Huw Daniel, Susanne Heinrich, Lynda Sayce, Robert King 05:14
Saint-Saëns: The Carnival of the Animals: The Swan Wing-sie Yip, Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Amy Sze, Helen Cha 03:13
Sail Along Silv'ry Moon - Wo meine Sonne scheint - Cindy oh Cindy - Musik-Musik Die Kirmesmusikanten 03:37
Saint-Saëns: The Carnival of the Animals: Hens and Cockerels Wing-sie Yip, Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Amy Sze, Helen Cha 00:50
So Long, Farewell Charmian Carr, Angela Cartwright, Duane Chase, Nicholas Hammond, Kym Karath, Heather Menzies, Debbie Turner 02:55
VI. Choral. Herr, wie du Willt, so schicks mit mir (Coro) Netherlands Bach Collegium, Pieter Jan Leusink, Holland Boys Choir 01:16