The Paul Haslem Consort
Henry Purcell: The Masque in Dioclesian: V. Paspe (Passepied) Concentus Musicus Wien, Maurice Bevan, Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Max Worthley, Alfred Deller, Sally Lesage, Honor Sheppard, Philip Todd 00:51
Henry Purcell: The Masque in Dioclesian: IX. I'm here with my jolly crew Concentus Musicus Wien, Alfred Deller, Honor Sheppard, Philip Todd, Sally Lesage, Maurice Bevan, Max Worthley, Nikolaus Harnoncourt 02:26
Davy: The Passion according to St. Matthew - Per diem autem solemnem consueverat praeses dimittere populo unum vinctum Ian Partridge, Christopher Keyte, Purcell Consort Of Voices, Choristers Of All Saints, Grayston Burgess 01:02
Pavana and Gallyard Trinity Baroque, Alan Crumpler, Martin Pope, Julian Podger, The Holbein Consort, Steven Player, The Forbury Consort 02:27