s4e20. Santana Lopez, Kurt Hummel, Rachel Berry, Isabelle Wright
Act I: Liebeslied (Love Song): Siehst Du Den Mond Uber Soho (Polly, Macheath) Konig Ensemble, Walter Raffeiner, Gabriele Ramm 02:03
Sonate a tre VI: I. Largo Bart Jacops, Bernard Woltèche, Mariette Holtrop, Isabelle Lamfalussy 03:56
Black or White s3e11. Artie Abrams, Rachel Berry, Santana Lopez, Kurt Hummel, Mercedes Jones, New Directions, Dalton Academy Warblers 03:15
J.S. Bach: Sonata For Violin Or Flute And Continuo, No. 3 In F, BWV 1022 (App.B) - 4. Presto Reinhard Goebel, Robert Hill 01:17
Let's Have a Kiki s4e08. Isabelle Wright, Kurt Hummel, Rachel Berry, Isabelle's party guests, Brody Weston 02:57
Serenade: II. Reminiscenza a Robert Schumann Ricarda Bröhl, Hans-Dietrich Klaus, Martin Christoph Redel, Rubin Quartett, Matthias Tacke, Valerie Rubin, Werner Dickel, Michael Kasper 01:59
You're the One That I Want s4e06. Ryder Lynn, Marley Rose, Finn Hudson, Rachel Berry, Santana Lopez, Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Brittany Pierce 02:47
Paulus Oratorio, Op. 36, 2ème partie : Récit Da ward das volk erreget Orchestre & Chorale Paul Kuentz, Barbara Schlick, Dorothé Salmon, Alexander Stevenson, Philip Langshaw 00:16
Brahms: 6 Quartette, Op. 112 - 3. Himmel strahlt so helle und klar - 4. Rote Rosenknospen - 5. Brennessel steht am Wegesrand - 6. Liebe Schwalbe, kleine Schwalbe Andreas Rothkopf, Barbara Nußbaum, Kölner Kammerchor, Peter Neumann 04:49
The Flood: Lost the Lot Barry Hill, Isabella a Capella, Janelle Roworth, Nick Chislett, Michael Hannan 02:50