Peter Wyhosky and The Cappella Russian Male Chorus of New York, directed by Dimitry Orlov
Было у тёщи семеро зятьёв Alexis Fekula and The Cappella Russian Male Chorus of New York directed by Dimitry Orlov 02:28
Из страны, страны далёкой The Cappella Russian Male Chorus of New York, directed by Dimitry Orlov 01:56
Во субботу, день ненастный Peter Wyhosky and The Cappella Russian Male Chorus of New York, directed by Dimitry Orlov 03:45
Ванька-Танька Walter Mitrohin, Walter Chanos and The Cappella Russian Male Chorus of New York, directed by Dimitry Orlov 02:02
Возле речки, возле мосту The Cappella Russian Male Chorus of New York, directed by Dimitry Orlov 01:25
Ночка моя, ночка, ночка тёмная The Cappella Russian Male Chorus of New York, directed by Dimitry Orlov 01:23
Из-за острова на стрежень Fred Skibitsky, Alexander Fekula, Theodore Dubivsky and The Cappella Russian Male Chorus of New York, directed by Dimitry Orlov 03:28
Легенда о двенадцати разбойниках The Cappella Russian Male Chorus of New York, directed by Dimitry Orlov 05:27