Martha Eggerth & The M-G-M Studio Chorus
Grand Mass in E Flat Major: Gloria Stow Festival Chorus and Orchestra feat Margot Law, Martha Remington, Ray Bauwens, Joel Schneider 06:56
Grand Mass in E Flat Major: Kyrie Stow Festival Chorus and Orchestra feat Margot Law, Martha Remington, Ray Bauwens, Joel Schneider 06:12
Broadway Melody Ballet Gene Kelly, The M-G-M Studio Chorus, The M-G-M Studio Orchestra, Lennie Hayton 13:15
Grand Mass in E Flat Major: Quoniam Stow Festival Chorus and Orchestra feat Margot Law, Martha Remington, Ray Bauwens, Joel Schneider 03:40
Grand Mass in E Flat Major: Agmus Dei Stow Festival Chorus and Orchestra feat Margot Law, Martha Remington, Ray Bauwens, Joel Schneider 10:37
Sonata per a violí i piano en La Major: IV. Allegratto poco mosso Gonçal Comellas, Antoni Besses 05:57