Led Zeppelin (The London Philharmonic Orchestra)
Stairway to Heaven (1997, Kashmir: The Symphonic Led Zeppelin) а вот так! в необычном исполнении... надеюсь, кто-то еще помнит эту песню London Philharmonic Orchestra 10:40
Dawn At The Great Pyramid The London Philharmonic Orchestra Kashmir:The Symphonic Led Zeppelin 03:33
Kashmir Kashmir London Philharmonic Orchestra - Kashmir: The Symphonic Led Zeppelin London Philharmonic Orchestra - Kashmir: The Symphonic Led Zeppelin 07:54
Kulu Valley (Ambient Remix) The London Philharmonic Orchestra Kashmir:The Symphonic Led Zeppelin 07:41
Kulu Valley (Ambient Remix) London Philharmonic Orchestra - Kashmir: The Symphonic Led Zeppelin 07:41