Kaito And Len Append
アリでキリギリス Ann-MeltsP feat KAITO V3 (Straight), Meiko V3 (Straight), Rin Append (Power), Len Append (Power) 04:50
The Ant AS the Grasshopper Ann-MeltsP feat Meiko V3, Kaito V3, Kagamine Rin Append, Kagamine Len Append 04:54
Jellyfish Song LeraGordienko feat V Flower, KAITO, Hatsune Miku Append Dark, KAITO V3 Whisper, ZOLA Project WIL, Kagamine Len Append Power, Yuzuki Yukari V4 Jun 01:56
Music Wizard of OZ OSTER project feat KAITO V3, Meiko, Miku Append, Luka, Gumi V3, Rin Append, Len Append 18:30