British WW2 North African campaign song
Voices of Light: V. Pater Noster Anonymous 4, Netherlands Radio Choir, Frank Hameleers, Henk van Heijnsbergen, Susan Narucki, Corrie Pronk, Naomi Hirschfeld, Netherlands Radio Philharmonic, Steven Mercurio 09:07
Air: Why Do The Nations? Philadelphia Orchestra, Davis Cunningham, Eileen Farrell, Eugene Ormandy, George Frideric Handel, The MORMON TABERNACLE CHOIR, William Warfield 02:41
Dowland: Third Booke of Songes, 1603 - 9. What if I never speed The Consort of Musicke, Anthony Rooley 02:11
Dowland: Third Booke of Songes, 1603 - What If I Never Speed Musica Reservata, Michael Morrow, Purcell Consort Of Voices, Grayston Burgess 01:40