First Polish Complaints Choir, Choir of Wroclaw's Citizens, 3 страница
XI. Choral. Du Lebensfürst, Herr Jesu Christ (Coro) Netherlands Bach Collegium, Pieter Jan Leusink, Holland Boys Choir 02:40
A Ceremony of Carols, Op. 28: No. 2, Wolcum Yole! Dresden Boys' Choir, Jutta Zoff, Martin Flämig 01:31
Cobham The Choir of the First Presbyterian Church in the City of New York, William F. Entriken 01:20
Seven Motets for the Church Year: Praise HimWhoWas Crucified CONCORA feat Larry Allen, David Westfall, Carol Allen, Stacey Grimaldi 01:44
Crackle of the Fire Chillout Jazz Collective, Relaxar Piano Musicas Coleção, Piano: Classical Relaxation 01:39