Manfred Mann, Pete Haywood, Gary Moore, Percy Jones, Cozy Powell, Robin Lumley, Jack Lancaster, 3 страница
Mancini: The Pink Panther - Loeki the Lion on the Trail of the Pink Panther Amsterdam Loeki Stardust Quartet 03:08
Pavane Trinity Baroque, The Holbein Consort, Steven Player, The Forbury Consort, Alan Crumpler, Martin Pope, Julian Podger 01:46
Grandfather Vivian Stanshall, Jack Lancaster, Robin Lumley, Gary Moore, John Goodsall, Percy Jones, Phil Collins 03:04
Love Yourself Karen Francis feat Aaron Walker, Lonnie Plaxico, George Cables, Gerry Eastman, Mark Turner 06:07
If love now reigned (loud wind) Trinity Baroque, Steven Player, The Forbury Consort, The Holbein Consort, Alan Crumpler, Martin Pope, Julian Podger 01:26