The Gregg Smith Singers, Gregg Smith, 2 страница
Introitus (requiem aeternam): TS Eliot in memorium (Columbia Chamber Ensemble, Gregg Smith Singers) Igor Stravinsky 03:51
Three Choruses from Alice in Wonderland (second series): III. Beautiful Soup The Gregg Smith Singers, Gregg Smith, Ann Coons, Raymond Beegle 01:47
Three Settings from the Bay Psalm Book - a cappella: Clap Hands - Psalm 47 The Gregg Smith Singers 01:39
Three Choruses from Alice in Wonderland (first series): I. The Lobster Quadrille The Gregg Smith Singers, Gregg Smith, Raymond Beegle 02:35
И. Стравинский - Introitus памяти Т.С. Элиота для мужского хора и инструментального ансамбля (1965) Gregg Smith Singers, Columbia Chamber Ensemble (дирижер - И. Стравинский) 03:48
Three Settings from the Bay Psalm Book - with piano: Clap Hands - Psalm 47 The Gregg Smith Singers feat Susan Walters 01:43
A1 Orchestra Variations (Aldous Huxley In Memoriam) Igor Stravinsky; Robert Craft; Gregg Smith Singers; Columbia Symphony Orchestra; Richard Frisch 04:34