A.G.B. Family, 2 страница
Это всего лишь микстэйп A.G.B. FAMILY 03:14
Без названия A.G.B. Family 03:06
Kiev City A.G.B 03:33
Fantasy Of Horses: A) Early Light, B) Frolic, C) Trappers, D) Captives, E) Frolic, F) Escape, G) Cli Rainbow Theatre 16:21
Fantasy Of Horses: A) Early Light, B) Frolic, C) Trappers, D) Captives, E) Frolic, F) Escape, G) Cli Rainbow Theatre 16:23
Polkas (a) There's worse than that around (b) Polka Níall (c) Asailín ag Seáinín Seamus Begley, Jim Murray 04:14
Potpourri Der Bettelstudent: A) Ich knüpfte manche zarte Bande, b) Der Pole küsst galant , c) Ich hab' kein Geld bin vogelfrei, d) Studentenlied, e) Ach er hat sie ja nur auf die Schulter geküsst, f) Ich setz den Fall, g) Nimm mein Herz in Deine Hände Johannes Heesters, Erna Berger, Marika Rökk 14:11
Sexually Vomited Sickening Shitclot (Ingested Mash of Animal Feces and Bleach) C.I.C.M.I.T.I.A.G.B.T.S.F.T.U.C.E.F.S.F.I.V.S.P 00:33
C ÿþB r i n g B a c k T h e S u n ( A m b i e n t M i x ) I ÿþJ o h n O ' C a l l a g h a n & A u d r e y G a l l a g h e r 03:25
Stitched Together Hermaphroditic Headless Corpses Adorning the Cathedral After Post-Mortem Rapification C.I.C.M.I.T.I.A.G.B.T.S.F.T.U.C.E.F.S.F.I.V.S.P 02:12
Tarkus: a) Eruption; b) Stones Of Years; c) Iconoclast; d) Mass; e) Manticore; f) Battlefield; g) Aquatarkus Emerson, Lake & Palmer 20:43
17.10.2022 17 (фортепианная импровизация на 17 нотах: a⁴, e⁴, h³ (3 белых), fis³, cis³, as², es², b¹ (5 чёрных), f¹, c¹, g, d, A, E, H¹ (7 белых), Fis¹, Cis¹ (2 чёрных)) Алексей Пастушков 17:17
The Golden Ball (a)The Bees to Your Knees; b)Birmingham; c)Sadie; d)Hanging With Mike; e)Quipy Quipy Quaw Quaw; f)Mr Frankie; g)Dramatic Paws; h)The Licker's last Leg) Goon Moon 09:46
17.10.2022 -17 (реверс фортепианной импровизации на 17 нотах: a⁴, e⁴, h³ (3 белых), fis³, cis³, as², es², b¹ (5 чёрных), f¹, c¹, g, d, A, E, H¹ (7 белых), Fis¹, Cis¹ (2 чёрных)) Пастушков Алексей 17:17
Crushed Genitals Splintered With Cranial Shards C.I.C.M.I.T.I.A.G.B.T.S.F.T.U.C.E.F.S.F.I.V.S.P 00:36
The Golden Ball (a)The Bees to Your Knees; b)Birmingham; c)Sadie; d)Hanging With Mike; e)Quipy Quipy Quaw Quaw; f)Mr Frankie; g)Dramatic Paws; h)The Licker's last Leg) Goon Moon 09:45